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How to Add Google Analytics to Shopify

In this post I’m going to show you how to add google analytics tracking code to your shopify store. So let’s get started there are few assumptions like you know what is Google analytics and how to sign up for it. Let’s go ahead and launch your default browser log into your shopify store admin area and let me quickly log into my shopify store so here we go and and and i’m in the shopify here you can see now.

The other thing that you i assume that you already have done is you have signed up for google analytics and you are logged in to google analytics also. I assume that you know how to add property to your google analytics account if you don’t know, let me quickly tell you how you can do this so simply go ahead and sign in to your google analytics account and you can see at the left bottom you have this admin section so go ahead and click on it.

And from here you can create your property if you have multiple properties go ahead and select the right property it must be the shopify store property. The same domain name this is just for demonstration purpose but you have to have this property added to analytics to get the tracking code.

In my case i can go ahead and click on create property name the property select your region, currency. Advanced option if you want to have a look and then hit next and let’s say this is a random thing here. These are few options that you want to select and create and then you will have to type in your domain name, verify it. If it’s already verified with your google search console then it will automatically be verified by Google Analytics.

Now I assume that you already have added your property to your google google analytics tool and now you’re looking for just tracking code. Simply go ahead and select your property by clicking the drop down menu and then go to tracking info and then click this tracking code okay here we go make sure the right property is selected and then you have clicked tracking info tracking code so this is tracking code.

Okay right click select everything, and copy. This is your tracking id. if you’re using some specific app in shopify and if they asking for tracking id this is a tracking id. Okay now here let’s get back to this shopify store so there are lots of apps that you can download and install to add and manage your tracking info tracking code and verification code but shopify luckily gives us a lot of options.

It’s very simple log into your shopify store admin area click on online store and then go to preferences and here are few input boxes like for google analytics, Facebook Pixel and etc.

How do i set this up so you must upgrade to the latest version of google analytics in order to enhance the e-commerce so it’s very simple paste your code from google now so this is where learn about google enter google analytics so if you don’t know what is google analytics you can learn about how do i set this up you can also read this help shopify blog post and setting up google analytics setting up google analytic goals and funnels these are few things that you want to as a kind of store owner definitely want to understand what is what are google analytic goals uh excluding referrers domain from google analytics tracking google tag manager these are a few advanced concepts that you definitely want to delve into as a shopify store owner so that’s how you add your google analytics code tracking code here and there are few things that you can manage and enable here on this preferences page which are very good you definitely want to write home page meta title and meta description this is where you can add social sharing image this happens to be the logo go facebook pixel you can set it up from here these are a few customer privacy that you can just check to be enabled now i can go ahead and hit save and the tracking code from google analytics has been added to my shopify store so that’s it for this video guys if you have any questions suggestion leave in the comment below i will try to answer it asap thank you bye for now

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