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Shopify URL Structure

shopify url structure

about the structure I have a question. For the seo, it is better that each product comes out of www.escerveza / product / thenameofproduct or that we separate them by brands. www.escerveza / collections / brewdog / nameofproducts? One product could be in seveverWhat do you think? a product can be in several collections such as brewdog collection, rubisd collection, ipas collection. But it will always be only from one brand. that way, the url would show the brand and the product but it would be a long url. However, if all the products are www.escerveza / product / nameofproduct it is shorter but there is no tree. What do you think?

Shopify creates two links when you publish a product


It’s not a good idea to link one product to more than one collection

URL length, long or short, is not a problem for Google and other search engine bots.

These companies want to make frequent crawling cheaper, so they don’t like to read files/content from deep folder tree.

As long as, you have not more than 2-3 slashes /xxx/xxx/xxx in a URL, should be alright.