If you are looking for a custom image gallery for your Shopify store, that lets your upload your own images and links those images to products to increase sales or share your images with your new visitors or existing customers, this custom image gallery for Shopify Dawn theme should be great way to represent your new images linked to your products through your Shopify store.
To create a custom Shopify theme 2.0 template, first you create a JSON template file and add JSON schema to this JSON template file and also create a liquid file in /Sections or /Snippets folders and link these liquid files to previously create JSON template file. For you more detailed instructions to use templates, sections, and snippets, please learn at Shopify dev docs, if you have a specific business requirements that I can help with you, please reach me at [email protected]
Custom Shopify Template
Here a quick demo of such custom image gallery being used on Dawn 4.0 theme.
Shopify Custom Product Template
Here is another demo of a similar Shopify custom product template, that is being demonstrated on the latest Dawn 4.0 theme.