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Shopify Local Theme Development Environment Setup

Hello there, this post will help you get started with custom Shopify theme development from scratch on Windows system locally. I am going to use my Linux Ubuntu, however, you can set up Shopify theme development environment on Windows, Mac and other Linux distributions.

Shopify Theme Development From Scratch…..

Environment Setup

First I am going to show how to download and install shopify theme kit on windows 10 desktop. However, if you have Mac OS or Linux; the process is same – you must know how to download a software, install it and set the software to system path.

Let’s download the Shopify Theme Kit on Windows 10 and set it to system’s path. I am going to show you how to download and install theme kit manually, which is the best way to, in my opinion.

Download Theme Kit

Follow this link to download theme kit for your system. Scroll down to manual installation section and click the download button against your system type.

Download Shopify Theme Kit

Install Theme Kit

To install shopify theme kit on Windows 10, create a folder named ThemeKit in your /Program Files/ and paste the theme.exe theme kit application package in ThemeKit folder.

Install Theme Kit on Windows 10

Set Theme Kit to System Paht

To set theme.exe to system’s path, copy the ThemeKit folder location path and add it to your system’s environment variable path.

Set Theme Kit to system’s path

Verify Theme Kit from CMD/Terminal

Launch your command prompt or terminal of your choice and type theme help and hit enter.

Shopify Theme Development on Local Environment

To start developing Shopify themes and apps locally on our systems, we need to create an API password and assign read & write permission in Shopify admin/dashboard area.

Login to your Shopify account, click Apps on the left section and scroll down and click Manage private app

  1. Click – Create New Private App
  2. In App Section – Fill in App Name & Email
  3. in Admin Section – Click Show Inactive Admin API Permissions
  4. Scroll Down to Themes section, Select Read and Write from dropdown
  5. Save
  6. Click Create App
Fill in App Name & Email
show inactive admin api permission
Show Inactive Admin API Permissions
Select Read and Write

Create New Shopify Theme

Before we start creating our new shopify theme locally on the system, we need few information for authentication purpose.

Here is the command to create our local shopify theme. We need API password, our store URL and theme name.

theme new --password=[your-password] --store=[] --name=[theme name]
Get Your API password from Admin section

I assume that you have already grabbed your store URL and API password.

To create Shopify theme, we need to

  1. Create a theme folder on out system
  2. Launch CMD/Terminal and change the directory to theme folder.
  3. Run the theme new command with api password, store url and theme name.
Shopify theme new command

Command to create a new shopify theme

theme new --password=your-api-password --name=themeName

Shopify New Theme Created

You should get a 100% upload completion, not any error; if you getting any error, simply copy the error and Google. Shopify has a great community and you should get solution.

You should not get any error.

Shopify Theme Development Courses

If you are looking for a in depth Shopify theme development course, here is a course that will help you create your very first theme from scratch.

Buy Shopify Theme Development Course at $10

Hire Shopify Theme Developer

If you are looking for top rated Shopify theme and app developers for your new project or to customize your existing shopify themes and add functionalities. Here is a list of top rated Shopify theme developers that you can hire at an affordable price to save time and money.

Hire Shopify Theme Developer at $100

Shopify Marketing Tools

I have great news for you as a marketer, I recently found a platform that offers all the best PPC spy tools at insanely cheap price start from $10 a month. You can find all the eCommerce and Dropshipping tools here.

Shopify Store 2.0

If you want to upgrade your current and old Shopify theme to Shopify store 2.0 theme or would like to customize Store 2.0 Dawn theme. Follow my latest post on upgrading and building Shopify Store 2.0 theme.

I also offer support and help.

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